ZUCZUG 4M36,ZUCZUG旗下子品牌,2018年创立于上海。
ZUCZUG 4M36 的logo来自于服装最常见的信息——尺码。尺码代表了穿衣服的基本需求,是人和衣服最初始的关系。ZUCZUG 4M36 围绕日常穿着,用色彩、面料、裁剪,描述关于衣服的基本和质感。
ZUCZUG 4M36, a ZUCZUG brand, founded in 2018 in Shanghai
The logo of ZUCZUG 4M36 is inspired by size, the most common information found on clothes, which attests to the most basic need for clothing, the original bond between wearers and their clothes. Dedicated to daily wears, ZUCZUG 4M36 aspires to shed light on the basics and textures of clothing through colors, fabrics and tailoring.